“We occasionally have guest soloists on piano, flute, violin and trumpet.  Young, talented members of the congregation also perform at BCC. We maintain our Steinway concert grand piano and our 1924 Austin organ regularly. These are gifts to our eyes as well as to our ears.
We have frequent soloists as well as special concerts funded by the Heim Memorial Music Fund. We have an active music program and this is the quality of the music you can expect at BCC.”

Yanni Chao and Yannan Chao play traditional Hulusi Chinese Wind Instrument.

Yanni Chao grew up in Yunnan, China and is currently a student at Nyack College, majoring in Business and minor in Intercultural Studies. Yanni has infinite passion to travel, experience different cultures and learn their languages. she enjoys sharing her heritage of Yunnan, and would like to spread the Gospel throughout her world travels.

Yannan Chao is Yanni’s twin sister. She is currently a senior at Nyack College Scholl of Business, majoring in Accounting. She enjoys singing, cultural exchange, traveling and cooking. She would like to be a professional accountant and continue to play and enjoy music.

Oshon Temple & Peter Flemister

Oshon Temple is a vocalist from Elmsford, New York, and a minister at Youth Mission

of Life church. Oshon is the sixth grade dean at the Hackley School, where he teaches

mathematics, and holds the Dave Caputo Endowed Chair.


Peter Flemister is a pianist from Elmsford, New York, and currently a minister of music

at Youth Mission of Life church. He has performed at the Summit Music Festival and

the Rondo Young Artists competition in New York City. Peter recently obtained his

Computer Science degree from Sacred Heart University.