Briarcliff Congregation Church (BCC) is currently seeking a Music Director. The salary range for this part-time position is $33,000 to $37,000 per year. BCC has enjoyed a very active music ministry and faithful participation from its choir. The successful candidate’s primary responsibility will be to use his/her ability to create a ministry of music which will enrich the worship and to work with the pastor and the Music Committee to this end. We have gathered a substantial music library that is available to the Music Director.
General – Music
- Serve as pipe organist/choir director for Sunday and special or double services as required, including but not limited to: Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter, and Christmas Eve;
- Conduct weekly and special rehearsals for the Senior choir; encourage choir participation in music selection and other choir related issues;
- Develop and oversee musical programs for youth and children;
- Music Director shall have right of first refusal for weddings, memorial services, and funerals.
- When requested, attend Music Committee meetings and give appropriate reports;
- Assist the Music Committee with the preparation of budgets;
- Assist the Music Committee with the administration of the BCC music scholarship fund;
- Assist the Music Committee with oversight of the condition of the musical instruments as well as any needed repair and tuning;
- Inform Church office of music selections and number of anthems for each service in a timely manner by the appropriate deadline.
- Reports to the Music Committee (per the By-Laws) but works directly with the Pastor, Deacons and others to conduct worship planning and execution;
- Choir members and potential members;
- Office Administrator.
- Outside vocalists and instrumentalists
- Bachelor’s degree (Preferred) in music, or equivalent experience
- Ability to direct volunteer adult choir and children’s music programs
- Strong musical instrument skills (pipe organ, piano)
- Knowledge of wide range of music, particularly traditional Protestant hymns
- Good leadership and strong interpersonal skills.
- Background check (before starting);
- Successful 60 day review.
INTERESTED IN APPLYING? Please send your resume and a video sample of your work to Applications will be accepted until March 31st. Interviews to commence mid-April.
Briarcliff Congregational Church
Description of Org»n
The organ is a three manual Austin Pipe Organ (opus 1245) constructed in 1924. It was
completely overhauled and modified in 1990 and has been carefully maintained.
Here are some of the technical details that might be of interest to a prospective organist:
Great Organ (enclosed with Choir)• Principal 8′, Gemshom 8′, Holz Gedcckt 8′, Octave 4′, Wald
Flote 4′, Principal 2′. Mixture IV. Greol Unison off: Great to Great 4′ and 16′
Choir Organ (enclosed with Great) – Holz Gedcckt 8′ (Great)• Unda Maris 8′ (T 0), Wald Flote
4′ (Great),Nazard2 & 2/3, Principal 2′ (Great), Tierce 1 & 3/5. Clarinet 8′, Trompette 8′.
Tremuant Choir Unison off. Choir to Choir 4′ and 16′
Swell Organ (Enclosed)- Gedcckt 16′ (extension), Geigen 8′, Voix Celeste 8′ (T 0), Gedeckt
8′, Spitz Principal 4′, Harmonic Flute 4 ‘. Block Flote 2’, Mixture111l,Hautbois 8 ‘, Rohr
Schalmei 4′, Tremulant, Swell Unison off, Swell to Swell 4′ and 16′
Pedal Organ-Resultant 32′ (wired lo Swell Gedcckt 16′), Violone 16′ (really a wood diapason),
Bourdon 16″ (enclosed in Swell box). Gedcckt 16′ (Swell), Flute 8′ (from “Violoone 16′),
Principal 8’, Gedcckt ‘ (Swell), Choral Bass 4′, (from Priocipal 8′), Bombarde 16′ (Extension;Great
enclosed in Great Choir box). Trompette 8’ (Choir enclosed in great Choir Box)