April 14, Palm Sunday and Confirmation Sunday–travel the streets of Jerusalem with Jesus and his followers as we welcome Him, and our newest crop of disciples, into a week of Hosanna and heartbreak. The choir will provide special music for the day. You won’t want to miss it.
April 15, 11am and 7:30pm. Final Lenten Bible Study for 2019. Hear the summations from the lawyers who have been trying Jesus’ case and find out how the judge rules.
April 18, 7:30pm. Maundy Thursday commemorating the Last Supper that Jesus shared with his disciples and the tragic events which followed. Come hear the story that leads to Jesus’ death.
April 19, 10-11:30am and 7-8:30pm. Good Friday reflection in the sanctuary. Come experience the Stations of the Cross from two local artists. Dave Morrison will be sharing new pieces of fused glass and Rev. Farnsworth will be sharing photographs from our parks.
April 21, 9:30 and 11am. Easter celebration. Death does not win. Jesus lives. Come celebrate His Good News with friends and family!