Since members are in charge of The Briarcliff Congregational Church, we participate in many ways.  You would be welcome to join in one or more of the following activities. Groups of many members work to teach our young people in Sunday School, sing in the choir, and ensure that our facilities are beautifully maintained.

Here are a few ways you can help serve the church:


Our Deacons work with our Pastor to prepare our Sunday Services  and organize religious education outside the Sunday service.

Participation in Church Services

Members of the congregation play important roles in all of our church services. They serve as greeters, ushers and readers. Every spring, we celebrate Laity Sunday, a service entirely led by our members.

Caring Committee

Our Caring group is especially important within our church. They offer loving support in difficult times which might include a funeral reception, meals to someone recovering from illness or a ride to a doctor’s visit. They also help us celebrate joyous occasions and provide warm caring for our church family.

Rummage Sale

Led and organized by the Women’s Society, BCC holds its widely renowned annual Rummage Sale in the spring.  This is not its own group, but still deserves its own section!

Often described as a veritable pop-up department store, the BCC Rummage Sale is a great testament to the commitment of our church community, as well as our wider community. Our congregation works hard while having a lot of fun as we to come together to put on one of the largest tag sales in Westchester County. 40% of the profits from the Rummage Sale go to the BCC Board of Trustees for operating expenses. The remaining funds support local and member-supported charities, and have contributed substantially to, or funded entirely, projects which require large capital expenditures. You will hear the word “Rummage” many times at BCC.

The Women’s Society is a vital part of life at BCC. We invite you to join us for an event, a meeting, or to help with our Rummage Sale. We look forward to seeing you!