Home to congregations of believers since 1896
About The Briarcliff Congregational Church
We are a church with a proud history dating to the 19th century, seeking to embody Christian teachings, and to serve God and the wider world in the 21st century.
We have a beautiful, historic church building with exquisite stained glass windows.
But our church is so much more than our building, it is the people who make our church unique. We are a community of faith that feels more like a family – a large and diverse family. Our members come from many local villages including Briarcliff Manor.
We welcome you to worship with us on Sundays and browse the pages in this section to learn more about our values, our history, our staff and our buildings. Many people from a wide variety of backgrounds have come to find a home in The Briarcliff Congregational Church (BCC). We hope you will, too.