Open to all women, The Briarcliff Congregational Church Women’s Society meets on the second Thursday of each month (sometimes Saturdays) and offers the opportunity for fellowship and service. Meetings include: a craft workshop, an annual book share meeting, a Christmas Luncheon, a spring trip, and speakers from organizations that we support or would like to learn more about. Women’s Society activities support the church throughout the year and at the holidays.

The Women’s Society is responsible for:

  • ordering flowers weekly and during the holidays
  • baking and delivering cookies at Christmastime
  • the greening of the sanctuary on the first Friday in December
  • maintaining displays of plants at the entrance to the Eastman Room and the Sanctuary
  • lead and organize the church’s annual “Rummage Sale” Also, our prayer shawl ministry, which provides hand-crafted prayer shawls throughout the year, helps us to bring comfort to members and friends in times of need.


Flowers in our Church Life                                                                                                                                                                              

September 2022 through September 2023

The unique beauty of flowers plays a joyful role in the life of BCC.

Consider the seasonal plantings in the troughs at the front of the church.

They are planned, planted, and cared for by an enthusiastic and

knowledgeable group of garden lovers. And we look forward yearly

to the striking presentation of red and white poinsettias in the

sanctuary at Christmas time. The photos in this album will show you

these and many other ways that the blooming blessings of flowers

bring love, hope, and joy to us all throughout the year.

Click the Link below to see all pictures.

Through the Seasons with Women’s Society, 2021-2022

Covid19 stayed with us during the church year, but with
careful planning, we successfully held our Women’s Society
activities, altering them as necessary. Some of the changes
included ourbeing in the local Covid19 red zone for our
much-loved Book Share, so we held it via zoom.
We added the Spud Squad to our roster this year,
since members of Women’s Societyplayed major
roles in the proceedings.
Then since cookie packing proved unsafe in December,
we changed it into a lovelynew Valentines Day Cookie Packing.
We were so happy to be able to have theRummage Sale once
again this year, even though in a scaled-down version in June,
with all our volunteers and attendees happily masking up to
keep us all safe.
Please take a look at these pictures and
share in a great year for us all.

Women’s Society baking for BCC’s 125th Anniversary,

October 2021

In the fall of 2021, with a few Covid restrictions relaxed,
BCC was joyfully able to celebrate our church’s 125th anniversary.
Dividing 125 years into 25-year segments we were able to
highlight the events of those times during the last week of
September and four Sundays in October. Women’s Society
was busily planning and baking for three of those Sundays
to present cookie treats after worship that echoed recipes popular
during those particular years. The finished products were
enthusiastically consumed, pleasing our many planners and
bakers. The recipes appear in a collection of recipes
organized by the Women’s Society.
Click the link below to see the full set of pictures.

Women’s Society Album 2009-2013

You might enjoy viewing a bit of Women’s Society history in these photos. They’re the various projects and events that kept us busy from 2009 through 2013, from yearly rummage sales to a one-of-a-kind Rags to Riches presentation about rug hooking.  Find photos of old friends and maybe some photos of yourself as we travel down memory lane.

This album requires a password which you can get by calling the Church Office or contacting Anita Eddy.



October 2020


Life changed for all of us when the pandemic struck in March of 2020. Churches, schools, and non-essential businesses shut their doors, and we began the long quarantine at home. But then? We didn’t wring our hands for very long. We found that we could attend church via Zoom; that we could come up with novel ideas for helping one another and staying in touch; that we could reach out to the community as well. Here are some of the ways we’ve been doing that. I’m sure there are many others that we aren’t aware of. But we do know that we’re a church family that can care and share with gladness.


Here is a link to more pictures.

Books and Brunch, February 2020

Haven’t you read a book and found yourself bursting to tell someone about it? The Women’s Society found a solution to that by having an annual book share. The books may range from new fiction to old children’s books, nonfiction to mysteries and whatever we’ve enjoyed that we think others might like as well. Some of us bring actual books to look through, while others tell about what they’ve read through e-books, Kindle, or Audible. And some of us just want to listen for ideas on what to read next. And we do look forward to sharing the brunch as much as the books.


Here is a  link to more pictures.

Cookie Packing 2019

Eating a cookie is a happy thing, don’t you think? Especially at Christmas time. The Women’s Society thinks so too. So we have fun each year getting together to fill little bags with cookies that we bring to members and friends who may enjoy a bit of holiday cheer. It’s a joyful time for the bakers among us, for those who deliver the cookies and for those who plan it all. Happy Cookie Packing!


Here is a  link to more pictures.

Greening of the Church, December 2019

Greening of the Church is a much-loved tradition here at Briarcliff Congregational Church. We celebrate the weeks leading up to Christ’s birth by starting to decorate prior to Advent. The Women’s Society began this year by decorating new pillar candles and placing one at each of the stained glass windows in the sanctuary. Then with clippers in hand we fashioned fresh greens into wreaths for the church doors. The whole church was invited one evening to continue decorating, followed by a Greening Party. The final step was to set up both red and white poinsettias and fill the candelabras at the front of the church ready for Christmas Eve.


Here is a  link to more pictures.

Craft Workshop, November 2019

November’s month’s craft workshop led by the wonderfully creative Jan Aiello, was as always a lot of fun. She taught us how to make and decorate personal journals from squares of paper and bits of beautiful colorful paper. Who knew that we could sit in the Eastman Room and sew and bind a small book? And again as is a tradition, there was a table full of ladies cutting out tags for the Giving Tree. We do depend on them.



Here is a link to more pictures.