Palm Sunday April 5th, 2020
Palms will be available in the parking lot by Beebe Hall on Saturday, April 4 from
12noon-2pm. You are welcome to drive by and pick up a fresh frond or a
prefolded palm cross. One per customer, please. We couldn’t order as many as
in previous years and we want everyone to have access. Be sure to have your
palm ready for our time of worship online.
● Please be sure to have a piece of bread, a roll, or a cracker available for online
communion on Sunday. You will also need a small cup of juice so that you can
taste the sweetness of the Lord together with your community of faith.
● Here is the link and phone number for joining us on Sunday at 10am.
● Dial in a little before 10am to this number: 1 646 558 8656 and use
Meeting ID:306 389 842