Lenten Book Study: Hind’s Feet on High Places


“Hind’s Feet on High Places” by Hannah Hurnard is a timeless tale that follows the journey of Much-Afraid, a young woman with many fears and imperfections, as she embarks on a journey to the High Places with the Shepherd. Through her trials and triumphs, Much-Afraid learns to trust the Shepherd’s guidance and experience the freedom and joy of surrendering to His will.

During this Lenten book study, we will explore the themes of faith, perseverance, and transformation found within the pages of this beloved story. Each week, we will discuss different chapters, reflecting on their significance in our spiritual journeys.

Whether you’re new to the book or have read it before, this Lenten study offers a meaningful opportunity to deepen your faith, connect with others in the community, and prepare your heart for the Easter season. All sessions take place at 30 S State Road or online. Contact briarcliffchurchpastor@gmail.com to receive a zoom link.

Monday, February 26 at 10am and 7pm. Session 1: Introduction and Journey of Much-Afraid

  • Chapters to Cover: Begin with the Preface and Chapters 1-5.
  • Reading Focus:
    • Introduction to Much-Afraid, her struggles, and her desire to journey to the High Places.
    • Encounter with the Chief Shepherd and his promise to accompany her.
    • The journey begins, facing fears and doubts.

Monday March 4 at 10am and 7pm. Session 2: Trials and Growth

  • Chapters to Cover: Chapters 6-10.
  • Reading Focus:
    • Encounter with the Shepherd’s companions, Sorrow and Suffering.
    • Challenges faced by Much-Afraid on her journey.
    • Growth and transformation amidst difficulties.

Monday March 18 at 10am and 7pm. Session 3: Triumph and Transformation

  • Chapters to Cover: Chapters 11-15 (and Epilogue).
  • Reading Focus:
    • Arrival at the High Places and the transformation of Much-Afraid.
    • Reunion with the Shepherd and the fulfillment of promises.
    • Reflection on the journey and its lessons.
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